Description: "The Seer plans to steal Phoebe's unborn baby, so she can raise the child to become the next Source, and prevent the throne from passing on to another demon. Meanwhile, the baby begins to take over control of Phoebe's body, which proves dangerous to Paige."
Wow, I've finally made it to 100 blog posts! I can't believe this day has finally arrived, and I couldn't have picked a more perfect episode for this to occur on. Thank you to all my faithful readers for sticking with me through two very long breaks, and we are almost halfway done with this show! Now on to the episode! Have you ever wondered what the outcome would be if a Charmed One and The Source of all evil were to procreate? I never thought it would be possible let alone that Phoebe would actually be the bearer of the child. I was concerned about how Phoebe was going to survive what the baby was doing to her body, since all those "hot flashes" and stomach pains are obviously not normal or healthy. But I thought it was funny to see the girls have to deal with one of them being pregnant, since they will all one day be in that situation. I've always wanted to see exactly what the Seer was seeing in her visions, because I've always wondered what exactly excited her most about The Source's offspring. What I don't get, is why she herself wants to take on the burden of carrying and teaching the baby how to be the new Source? I get that she would obtain all kinds of incredible power, but that seems like a huge amount of work. I thought it was funny how the baby kept taking offense to things everyone was saying about Cole, and making Phoebe use powers to try and kill them. Poor Daryl is always showing up at the Halliwell manor at the wrong time, but when he was walking up the front walk and Paige came crashing out a window above him, that one takes the cake. I also thought it was hilarious when Daryl didn't know that Phoebe was pregnant and kept wondering who the baby was they were all talking about and Daryl said, "Is it invisible? Am I going to step on it?" Too funny! My favorite quote out of the whole series is when Phoebe and Paige summon Piper to that cage, and once Piper finds out that magic won't work to get them out she says, "So let me get this straight, you summoned me to a cage, where my powers don't work, so that we can all die together?!" Piper is my favorite character based solely on her sense of humor. She is always cracking me up! Speaking of Piper, I felt so bad for her when she found out that it might be near impossible for her and Leo to have kids. It's been a while since Piper has regretted being a witch, but this was one of those times where she wished maybe they didn't have to fight demons on a daily basis, since the demons throwing her around is what caused this problem in the first place. As she was on the phone with the doctor and then telling Paige what he said afterward, you could tell she was trying not to cry. Here Phoebe is carrying a demon child who she never fully wanted in the first place and can't keep in the end, and then there's Piper who wants a child so desperately and finds out she might not be able to have one. Sometimes life just is not fair! But on the plus side, the Charmed Ones vanquished the Source for the third time, count them three, and he is finally gone! Time to rejoice and bask in the glow of their accomplishments! Congrats Girls!! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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