Sunday, November 20, 2011

"We're Off To See The Wizard"

Description: "Phoebe tells Piper and Paige that she is pregnant, and that Cole is the father. Meanwhile, Piper and Paige team up with a wizard to stop the coronation of the new Source, unaware that it is Cole and Phoebe is soon to be his Queen of the Underworld."

The time has come for the truth to come out about Cole, and no time is better than at the coronation of the new Source. I still can't believe it took the sisters this much time to figure it out, and even then they didn't know that he was the new Source, they just thought he was a regular old demon. This wizard dude was a bit weird and confusing, because they never really made it clear until the very end which side he was really on. For a long time there, he seemed like he was good and was trying to steal the Grimwoir to stop The Source from taking control, but it turned out that he wanted the Grimwoir so he could kill The Source and take his powers. I thought it was sweet that at the end Cole was willing to just let the wizard have his powers, because it was better than losing Phoebe. If the Seer hadn't gotten there on time, it would have worked and him and Phoebe could go on to live a long and happy life together. I still can't believe that Phoebe agreed to be the new Queen of the Underworld! The first time I saw this episode I was shocked, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Phoebe was freaking out when she first found out Cole was evil, and then the Seer says a few choice words to her and then all of a sudden she's game. I have a feeling that the Seer did something else to Phoebe to get her to agree, or maybe she was playing on Phoebe's emotions with being pregnant and wanting to have a normal life with the man she loves. No one was more shocked to see Phoebe turn evil than her sisters though. I almost broke down in tears right then and there at the look of desperation on Piper's face when Phoebe disappeared. Less than a year after losing one sister, now she's in danger of losing another, this time to evil. For all you people who think that Phoebe won't be able to do it and that it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, don't worry you won't be disappointed. You're right, but I'm going to leave the details up to your imagination and another episode. The Seer was right about one thing though, the human half inside of Cole is becoming stronger and stronger, to the point where it's in danger of taking over his demonic half. It shows everytime he goes to a demon for punishing them for hurting Phoebe, or when he was buying things for the new baby. How sweet! He told his assistant that he was just doing it to keep up appearances, but as his assistant said, "Phoebe's not even here." My favorite quote in this whole episode is after Phoebe tells Cole that she's pregnant and then leaves, he smiles and says, "I'm going to be a daddy?" Too cute! That's the one strand of hope I can hold onto that maybe Phoebe and Cole will find a way to make it work, but you guys are just going to have to wait and see! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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