Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Charmed Again"

Description: "Mourning the death of Prue, Piper and Phoebe must now come to grips with the loss of their oldest sister, and the loss of the Power of Three. However, The Source discovers an unknown sister. The daughter of Patty and her whitelighter Sam, who had been kept hidden. Paige, the now youngest Halliwell, can restore the Power of Three and reunite the sisters' strength as witches."

This episode started with the saddest scene in the show, when Piper is trying desperately to get Prue back. To quote Phoebe, "We've tried every magical way to bring her back." It really never showed before, but Piper relied heavily on Prue being there, and now she has to deal with being the oldest and in charge. I thought it was sweet how Phoebe felt she had to be strong for Piper, but in doing so didn't get a chance to properly grieve. I can't believe Piper was saying that Leo healed the wrong sister and that she should be the one who's dead, not Prue. Piper might not realize it yet, but she is just as important and strong as Prue, and she has a higher destiny to fulfill. It was so sweet how Daryl was there for the sisters through the whole thing. He really does truly care for them, and no matter what is going to stand by them. Even with Inspector Cortes, he was about ready to off him when he was bothering the girls. The most touching thing Daryl has ever said is when him and Cortes were in the police station and Cortes was giving the Halliwell sisters trouble and Daryl goes, "This isn't the first time I've risked my career for those girls -- my life, my family! They're the best people I've ever met, and they'll do more good than you'll ever know. And it cost them their sister!" If the two inspectors hadn't pulled him away, he probably would've hurt Cortes. So how many of you were shocked by Patty Halliwell's news? It wasn't too far out there, since her and Sam did have an affair. If you're a little weary about Paige at first, don't worry she will soon appeal to you. Maybe even more than Prue, but everybody has their opinion. I love how Piper got so angry at Grams when they still didn't know who Paige was and she said, "Your destiny still awaits, she says. There's a reason for everything, she says. So, it's time to summon her transparent butt back here and find out exactly what that reason is." If Piper seems like she comes off a little harsh to everyone these next couple episodes, especially to Paige, remember that she's still grieving over Prue. People deal with grief differently, and Piper just tends to sort of lose it. I thought it was cool how Paige still technically has the same power that Prue did, but because of her whitelighter half she puts her own twist on it. If you thought the producers left a lot of holes in Paige's past, don't worry they gradually answer all of your questions over time. Like, whatever happened to Paige's parents? Speaking of parents, get used to having Victor around a lot more now. I don't know if it has something to do with his conscience over Prue dieing, but maybe he feels bad that he wasn't around in their lives up until a month before Prue's death. I don't personally have anything against Victor, but I think he should have tried harder to be more involved in his daughters' lives. They didn't make mention of it in this episode, but I wonder when Phoebe is finally going to give Cole that potion to take away his powers so he can stop being chased by bounty hunters. The Source is not going to give up, and the longer the sisters wait the closer The Source will get to killing them. I cried when Cole almost died at the end, and then Phoebe said, "Don't scare me like that again." I am so glad to finally see Phoebe in love and happy. The producers of the show took way too long to pair her with someone, but now that they finally did they're going to make it perfect. What is with The Source going through the Charmed Ones' lovers to get to them. First Piper with Jeremy (remember him?), than Phoebe with Cole, then Prue who was forced to marry that demon, and now Paige with Shane. Poor Shane is never going to get within 100 ft. of Paige after what happened to him. Ever since Prue died, Phoebe and Piper have become even closer together if that's possible. I think they finally realized that life is just way to damn short, and that you have to make the most of it. It was so sweet of Piper and Phoebe to let Paige and Patty see eachother. I loved when Paige sees her and goes, "Mom?" It's so precious! It will take some time for Piper and Phoebe to deal with Prue's death and fully embrace their new baby sister, but in time it will be all back to normal. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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