Saturday, November 19, 2011

"The Fifth Halliwell"

Description: "Amongst newlyweds, Phoebe and Cole and already-married Leo and Piper, Paige becomes like a fifth-wheel, but she continues her suspicions about Cole. Meanwhile, The Source plots to impregnate Phoebe with his evil spawn."

The seed of suspicion has begun to be laid, and this time it's Paige who's questioning what Cole is really doing. You have to admit though, all those elaborate gifts, the new job, the shiny car, I'm surprised Paige was the only one to get suspicious. Paige never trusted Cole to begin with, so I guess that has something to do with it. When you consider someone part of your family, you don't automatically blame them for everything. The Seer and The Source's plan is in full swing though, because Phoebe ate the chocolate. I'm not sure if the chocolate was supposed to get her pregnant, make her in the mood to have sex, or a little of both. I thought it was funny that once her and Piper had the chocolate though, they were all over their lovers like a cat in heat. Who would have thought Piper would be the person to have sex in P3? I thought it was hilarious when Leo and Piper were having sex and then Phoebe called in the middle of it to ask Piper's advice. I don't understand why Piper answered the phone to begin with, if I was her I would have left it. My favorite quote in this episode is when Phoebe is on the phone with Piper and realizes there's something going on and goes, "Piper, whatcha doing?" And Piper laughs and says, "Taking my own advice!" and hangs up the phone. Phoebe drawing her own conclusions says, "Eww!" Too funny! Just when Phoebe was wondering whether she should get a job this advice column jumped out of nowhere. Phoebe being the person that she is always wanting to help other people, I believe she's going to be perfect for the job. Psychology degree aside, Phoebe has always been in tune with other peoples' feelings and emotions and always gives great advice. I love how proud of herself she was at the end when Elise liked her article. Speaking of Elise, how many people with awesome memory recognize her? Rebecca Balding is not playing the same character, but the same actress portrayed Aviva's aunt in Season 1 (remember "The Fourth Sister?). Don't worry, this will not be the last time we hear about this new job of Phoebe's, and unlike all the other jobs Phoebe has tried to hold down this one will last for a long time. In the end, Karen's life was saved and she returned the unwanted power, Phoebe got a new job, and Paige was able to be saved from some "scared to death" power broker's misplaced power. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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