Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Black As Cole"

Description: "Cole must face his true demonic nature, when he is faced with another demon who is mistaken as the murderer of local witches who belong to the same coven. Meanwhile, Cole proposes to Phoebe, and Piper and Leo consider their future involving children."

It's time for Cole to learn the lesson, that no matter how much good he has done recently, he still has to account for his past. It's good to know that it wasn't really Cole who did those horrid things, but Belthazor instead. I guess it pays to be an upper-level demon, and have both a human half and a demonic half. I felt bad for that woman who had lost her fiance to a demon and who wanted revenge for his death, but I wish she had let the sisters explain more about how Cole was no longer a demon and evil. In the end it all worked out and she got her revenge, but Cole got to live! I can't believe Cole is human now, and I thought it was funny how it took him awhile to realize that he no longer has powers so he can't do the stuff he used to be able to do. What's with all these look-alike demons though? I personally assumed that all demons looked different from each other unless they were like Grimlocks, for example, and there are multiple of those, but I never thought demons could have the same markings just different coloring. How sweet is it that Cole proposed to Phoebe right after he practically saved her life? Cole and Phoebe are almost as awesome of a couple as Piper and Leo, and I support them full-heartedly. You can tell that Cole genuinely loves Phoebe, and through his actions it's obvious that he will do anything to keep her happy and safe. It's so great to see how Phoebe and Piper's relationship has grown tremendously recently, and now more than ever before, they are having more heart to heart conversations. My favorite quote of this episode is when Phoebe was telling Piper how Cole proposed to her and Piper says, "So what are you going to tell him?" And Phoebe says, "I don't know." And Piper comes back with, "Well, you're going to have to tell him something because a question like that doesn't go away by itself." Phoebe asks, "Are you sure?" And Piper laughs, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure." I always wonder why Piper went into that rant about how Phoebe marrying a demon would cause a lot of controversy and the elders wouldn't like it, when here's Piper who married her whitelighter against the elders' wishes. I just thought it was ironic! This episode is also what started Paige's wariness about Cole once being a demon who killed innocents. I'm not sure why Paige is asking all these questions and dropping these hints now, when according to Piper and Phoebe she knew Cole was half-demon. This isn't the end of the Paige and Cole feud, but I was proud to see Piper stand up for Cole, which is sweet. Speaking of Piper, for someone who was talking about having kids so much in the last episode, she sure was against talking about it at all in this episode. I found it hilarious when Paige brought that doll home for Leo and Piper to practice on, and Piper was ready to ignore it and prove everyone wrong, and Leo was all for trying to make it work. I'm not going to give anything away, you guys are just going to have to wait and see. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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