Description: "Paige accidentally summons a medieval knight, who believes Paige is the love of his life. However, the knight is under the influence of an evil sorceress."
As good as the Halliwells might seem in the present day, it looks like each and every one of them had an evil past life. I'm glad that the writers of the show are starting to go more into the story of Paige and how she came about, and if you've enjoyed it so far just wait, there's a lot more to come. I'm so proud of Piper and Phoebe in this episode, and I believe they've finally come to fully embrace Paige as their sister. I know giving up Prue's old room was hard, especially for Piper, but the move had to be done, both for the demon reason and the sister reason. The original Charmed Ones didn't become close until they were living together, so the same thing is bound to happen with Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. I thought it was funny how seriously Leo took watching out for Paige. He is a guy after all, so him watching Paige and Glenn have sex wasn't much of a surprise. Peeping angel! As the show goes on, it's been fun to see Leo branch out and try new things. So much for whitelighters being pacifists! Who could have missed that epic sword fight between Leo and the guard?! Leo kicked some serious butt! I thought it was hilarious how Phoebe and Piper were so shocked that Leo could fight like that. A funny quote in this episode is when after Leo fought and he was helping Piper and Phoebe out of the shackles and Phoebe says, "You've been holding out on us, Leo." Too funny! Paige is trying so hard to be more independent from her sisters, but independence doesn't exactly work when you're the "Power of Three." Paige will soon learn that there are things the sisters can do individually, but then there are some things that no matter how hard they try they can't defeat alone. I wish Paige would stop comparing herself to Prue. All of the sisters have been saying that they aren't as good as Prue was since she died, and it's so not true! The Charmed Ones aren't known as the "Greatest force of good" just because of Prue, each one is strong in their own way they just have to learn to make it their own. Each sister is equally as strong and capable of kicking some serious demon butt, but the key to doing so is confidence, which they will slowly gain back over time. I thought it was sad when Paige was disappointed that the only reason Phoebe and Piper wanted her to move in was because of the demon fighting, and not because she was their sister. Phoebe and Piper didn't realize it, but in Paige's words, "Have you seen her room recently? It's practically a shrine to Prue." A lot of understanding for feelings needs to happen on both sides. Paige needs to realize that Piper and Phoebe need time to grieve, and Piper and Phoebe need to realize that Paige needs to feel like she belongs in the family. They got it straightened out in the end, and Paige is now living in the manor. My favorite quote in this episode is when Piper and Phoebe ask again if Paige will move into the manor, and Paige goes, "I don't have to sleep in the basement, do I?" And Piper and Phoebe smile, and Piper says, "No, I think we have a room for you." "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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