Saturday, November 5, 2011

"Sight Unseen"

Description: "Prue becomes increasingly paranoid over attacks from the Triad, and the mysterious threat Belthazor poses. After the house is robbed, Prue is convinced the Triad is launching an attack, when the real culprit is more mortal than all three sisters realize."

From all the different demons the sisters have encountered over the past three years, I'm surprised one of them hasn't become paranoid before now. Out of all of them, Prue has always been the more cautious one, never ruling anything out until you're absolutely sure. I feel bad for Phoebe that Cole is using her and is the Belthazor they're looking for, but she just doesn't know it yet. Phoebe must really like Cole though if she's willing to bet anything that he's not the demon Prue is looking for. I haven't seen Prue and Phoebe fight like this since the first season, and I hope it doesn't last for long. I found it really funny how Piper was reluctant to be intimate with Leo because she thought the elders were still watching. Talk about overly paranoid! My favorite quote of this episode is when Phoebe asked Piper what Leo said about them watching and Piper said, "He swears they're not watching, but he's a guy, he'll say anything." Piper should know by now that Leo isn't just any normal guy, so he probably wouldn't even be thinking of that. And as I promised, the quote, "I hope you enjoyed the show!" is back and making its appearance. If you remember me telling you to watch for it and you caught it when it happened, then kudos to you! :) Now, what's with this creepy bartender lady Abbey. I mean Prue is great and all, but not stalking material. I wonder what caused Abbey to be so attached to Prue to begin with anyway? That was so weird though. Abbey had been following Prue around for days, maybe even weeks, taking pictures of her, writing notes about her, breaking into the manor, and even attacking her. Who has that kind of time? But in the end, Troxa was defeated, Piper was able to get past her fear of them watching, Prue was saved from Ms. Creepy, and Abbey was thrown in prison where she belongs. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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