Saturday, November 19, 2011

"Saving Private Leo"

Description: "When two ghosts from Leo's past return to seek revenge, Leo faces his demons by submitting, causing Piper's life to be threatened, leaving Paige to deal with the situation. Meanwhile, Cole tries to convince Phoebe that they need a home of their own."

This episode was a path of acceptance and healing for Leo, especially since he was secretly holding onto so much regret and remorse about the day that he died. I don't know about you guys, but I found it extremely heart wrenching to see Leo break down like that about Rick and Nathan. We've only seen him break down like that once before, and that was when Piper was dead for that short period of time in "All Hell Breaks Loose." I feel bad for Nathan and Rick and I understand why they're so upset at Leo, but to hold a grudge for that long and to kill innocent people in the process is just wrong. I feel like the producers left a lot of holes in Leo's past the last 3 years, and now in this episode all those unanswered questions are finally being answered. They briefly mentioned before that Leo had a medal of honor in the same episode that Piper found out he was married before, but to actually see at the reunion first hand all the people he died saving is amazing. I think it was very life changing for Leo himself to see all the people he saved so long ago, living full and productive lives because of him. Leo definitely deserved to become a whitelighter, whether Rick and Nathan think so or not. One big question I have about Nathan and Rick is, how come they know so much about the supernatural world? I mean, they may be ghosts and all, but how did they know about whitelighters and witches, without anybody seemingly telling them? That's one quesion though that will unfortunately go unanswered. So I'm kind of disappointed with Phoebe in this episode, because I believe she was being quite selfish. I love Phoebe as much as the next person, but I distinctly remember her freaking out when Piper was broaching the subject of moving out of the manor only a year ago, and now she's getting all bent out of shape that her sisters don't want her to move out of the manor. I understand that it can get a bit crazy in the house sometimes, but shouldn't she be used to it by now? Ever since she got the job, she's been a bit on the edge, and I hope that changes soon. So it looks like her and Cole will be living in that apartment where his firm held the party. Now that they've moved out of the manor, I have a feeling that this situation with The Source in Cole's body is about to come to a head. My favorite quote of this episode is at the end when Leo and Piper are at the reunion and everybody is crowded around Leo saying how thankful they are for his "grandfather", and Piper is standing off to the side watching when some woman approaches her and asks, "Who's he?" And Piper says, "My hero." Leo truly is everybody's hero in more than one way. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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