Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Charmed And Dangerous"

Description: "The Source breaks an age-old agreement between good and evil by stealing The Hollow, an ancient vapor which he uses to absorb Piper and Paige's powers. Meanwhile, Phoebe must allow Cole to help them, despite her having a premonition involving Cole sacrificing his life to save her from evil, but there may be more to the premonition that Phoebe just can't see."

The ultimate battle between good and evil is quickly approaching, and the Halliwell sisters couldn't be more worried. Piper's so worried in fact, that she was wanting Leo to sign papers to be their beneficiary in case anything were to happen to them. Everybody was saying how Piper doing this was a bit morbid, but I agree with her because it's better to be safe than sorry. Whenever good and evil do battle, someone always comes in playing dirty. The Source must have been pretty desperate to resort to using The Hollow to take out the Charmed Ones. It was pretty stupid of him to take that chance though, because the way the Seer was seeing it, he himself would have been destroyed. Maybe the underworld hasn't gotten the message yet, but you would think they would get smart if every single demon that has ever gone up against the sisters has been defeated. I mean they may be evil, but they're not completely stupid. I have to hand it to The Source though, he's gotten closer than all of them put together, to defeating the Charmed Ones. In the end he original Source was vanquished, but at least he didn't go down without a fight. If the sisters hadn't worked fast enough, he would have gotten Phoebe's powers too and they would have stood no chance against The Source. It was smart of The Source to not only go after the Charmed Ones' powers, but to also try and take out their whitelighter to keep him from healing them. It's been awhile since Leo has been hit with a darklighter arrow (remember "Love Hurts" Season 1 Episode 21?), but the hurt of loss was still the same for all involved especially Piper. I think Phoebe is starting to understand more how Piper feels about always close to losing the love of her life. It was a pretty gutsy move for Phoebe to keep the demon secret from Cole in order to save her life. As glad as I am that Cole is human, I see how it pains him that he can't protect Phoebe. How many people teared up when Cole proposed to Phoebe with the new ring just in case. The sweetest quote in this episode is when Cole was giving the ring to Phoebe and she says, "I don't think now's the time." And Cole says, "Actually I think now's the perfect time. This way no matter what happens, you'll always know that I love you." Aww, too cute!! Cole is as big of a romantic as Phoebe is, sometimes even more. I was proud of Paige that she used her "last" moments to help Carolyn get her son back, no matter what the consequence would be. Paige really has a big heart, so she's definitely a Halliwell, last name or not. "Charmed" reference! In the end, the original Source was defeated, The Hollow was contained once more, and something different is about Cole. If you guys didn't catch it I'm not going to give anything away, but you won't have to wait long I promise! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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