Description: "In an attempt to destroy the Charmed Ones, Cole enlists the help of Andras, a demon who magnifies anger into rage. Meanwhile, when the sisters lose their magic after using their powers against each other, they are left defenseless against attacks from the Triad and Belthazor."
I haven't cried at an episode of Charmed since "Awakened" in Season 2, and this one was definitely a tear jerker, at least for me. I hate to even see the girls argue, but to get into such a heated fight and to go as far as use their powers against each other, I was bawling. They have come so far in their bond as sisters, that to go back now would be devastating. I especially lost it when Phoebe was crying, because to see them so torn apart about it made it worse. My favorite quote of this episode goes to Phoebe when she was talking to Cole and said, "I thank God everyday for my sisters." That is so sweet! Deep down in my heart I know that no matter what the Hallliwells love each other and will work it out. Cole went through a lot of inner conflict in this episode. Before now, the producers made it seem like Cole was all for the dark side, but as he fell more and more in love with Phoebe, the harder it was to say true to his evil half. The writers of the show are drawing this out FOREVER it seems like, but you won't have to wait long for the Charmed Ones to find out! I can't believe it's already time for Cole/Belthazor to be revealed, it seems like only yesterday the sisters met him, and now next episode he's going to be found out. Watch the next episode to see more details. I love how the sisters made up in order ot get their powers back. Belthazor barged into the manor and they thought since they had talked it out they had their powers back, but when they tried their powers wouldn't work. So Prue goes, "You guys run, and I'll try to hold him back for as long as I can!" And Piper and Phoebe say, "No! No matter what happens we're in this together!" What an awesome way for the "Power of Three" to be reunited once more. In the end, the sisters made up and all is well with their family bond, the power of three was reunited, and Belthazor was sliced and diced! When I first saw this episode, I couldn't believe that Cole killed the Triad, let alone was able to kill the Triad. That just goes to show Cole is conflicting with choosing which side to protect, and how powerful Cole actually is. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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