Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Muse To My Ears"

Description: "The Halliwell sisters must find a way to release Muses, which have been abducted by a warlock, who is attempting to build an evil faction in the absense of The Source."

"Being of creativity, show yourself to me, your light that shines upon our face, let our vision now embrace." So for all of you who were wondering if the muses that inspire us are real, you now have your answer. I just want to get this off my chest, I'm all for diversity and everything, but it seems like the show is going out of their way to diverse their cast. I mean, how random was a British muse? Are they trying to imply that English people are the only ones who can inspire themselves? It's really depressing that a demon would go out of their way to kill inspiration. What do the demons seriously see that's so threatening about the Muses? I thought it was hilarious when the sisters got inspired and then they took it over the top. Seeing Phoebe rhyme every other sentence was funny at first but then it just got annoying. I died laughing when Phoebe was writing the spell to get rid of the warlock and she ended up making it sound like a limerick. Since when did Piper aquire a Psychology degree? Ever since she became the older sister, she's been giving out advice left and right. It was cute to see her helping Cole out and trying to explain why Phoebe was so wary of being married. My favorite quote of this episode is when Piper says, "You're going to have to be patient with Phoebe on her marriage front." And Cole says, "I don't think that's any of your business." And then Leo looks at him and says, "You don't know sisters very well, do you?" Too funny! He's so right, because I don't know what it is about the Halliwell sisters, but they're always all up in each others' business. Granted the sisters usually know more about their sister than the person they're having a problem with, but still. So I think Phoebe and Cole have finally come to a united front with this marriage thing, where he finally understands why she can't bring herself to say yes, and how she understands why he's so hurt by her not giving an answer. If you guys are sitting on the edge of your chairs waiting to see what happens with these two don't worry, you won't have to wait long at all. How random is it that Paige is an artist? I can't remember if they've touched on the fact that she was earlier in the show, but still. She's talented to say the least, though? I'm glad that by the end of the episode, Paige is inspired again to start painting. With that much talent, she can go a long way instead of just being someone who works in a social services office. But too bad we never hear about her painting again. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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