Friday, November 11, 2011

"Hell Hath No Fury"

Description: "Paige takes the "Book of Shadows" into her work to cast spells which help her co-workers. Meanwhile, Piper, who is filled with anger over the death of Prue and the recent actions of Paige, is turned into a member of a supernatural band of vigilantes known as the Furies."

Piper's grieving has reached a whole new level where demons are concerned. I guess going on a rapid demon vanquish spree is better than other things she could be doing. I'm so happy to see Cole adamant about doing anything he can from keeping Phoebe from losing another sister. He just doesn't want to see Phoebe go through that hurt again. I guess Piper's way of dealing with the pain is just to keep busy, whether it be cooking or demon hunting. It's so sad to think Piper was holding some anger in about Prue's death, but who the anger was toward wasn't a surprise. I don't blame her for being angry at Prue for leaving her and Phoebe to their own devices, anybody else would probably have had the same reaction. I don't understand why she didn't say anything to Phoebe though, because usually the two of them tell eachother everything. What's with these fury people anway? If you're going to take the extreme of killing evil doers, at least have the capacity to distinguish between who deserves to die, and who you can just scare into being good. It's hard to classify furies between good and bad, because they have no filter. It was cool to see Piper turn into a demon though, since it's been a while since she has. Do you remember the wendigo, or maybe even her and Phoebe being warlocks for that short time? Piper makes quite an interesting demon, since it's completely different than how she usually is. Paige is slowly but surely getting more and more comfortable with being a witch. She's willing to learn everything she can, but in the process she's bound to make mistakes. My favorite quote in this episode is when Piper is leaving the manor to go confront Paige about taking the "Book of Shadows" and Phoebe moves to follow her. Cole sits down on a chair in the attic and Phoebe comes back and says, "Are you coming?" And Cole says, "To vanquish your sister? I think I'll sit this one out." Too funny! And the best part is at the end of the episode when Piper finally calls Paige her sister. How sweet! It's hard for Piper and Phoebe to open up to new people on any situation because of the fact that their witches, but since they just lost their big sister, it's much harder. To quote Piper, "With everything that happens in our lives, love just feels like an invitation for more pain." It seems like Phoebe and Piper have reached their peak of grief and it can only get better from here. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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