Tuesday, November 22, 2011

"The Eyes Have It"

Description: "While seeking the advice of a fortune teller regarding her missing powers, Phoebe discovers in a premonition that a demon is going to kill them all, after murdering the last one of the coven they were supposed to protect. Meanwhile, Piper wants to see a doctor about her baby, but Leo is concerned about the threat of exposure."

Gyspy magic goes back for centuries, and is almost as powerful and coveted as Charmed One magic. Unfortunately, when magic is this powerful, the wrong people tend to want it and will do anything to get it. This is where Oran comes in, who decades ago attacked the tribe and lost his eyes because of it. Now, he has sent his son Cree after the same tribe, in the hopes that this time they'll succeed. No such luck if the Charmed Ones have anything to do with it. I myself thought it was odd that Phoebe went to the fortune teller instead of talking to her sisters, since the girls usually tell each other everything. I know Phoebe said that she didn't want to worry them, but they ended up finding out anyway so she could have cut out the middle man. Good thing the sisters tend to be evasive sometimes, because if Phoebe wasn't there to witness Theresa intercepting her premonition, then the whole tribe would have eventually been wiped out. As the Charmed Ones say, "Everything happens for a reason." I felt bad for Ava, because the loss of her mother made her deny who she was. The Halliwell sisters know first hand how it is to lose someone you love, and not wanting to continue practicing what killed that loved one, is only natural. It had been so long since Eva had even thought about using Gypsy magic, that she had completely forgotten a lot of the customs and rituals. But it was nice to see her slowly get some of that back as they were working on getting ride of Oran and Cree. I think by continuing on with her heritage and her mom and aunt's traditions, that it will be a great healing process for Ava. I thought it was nice that since her mother died because she didn't have any real medicine, Ava decided to become a doctor, which shows she enjoys helping people. I found it sweet that by the end of the episode, Ava had realized that you can't fight who you really are, and became a doctor for the tribe that has no health care. It was so funny to see Piper freak out about the possibility of even a home birth. My favorite quote in this episode is when Piper and Leo are watching 'The Joys Of Home Birthing' and Paige walks in and freaks out and asks what they're watching, and Piper says, "The Joys of Home Birthing. Strangely, I'm not feeling the joy." Too funny, gotta love Piper's sense of humor. The idea of having the baby anywhere but in a hospital scares her to death, but Leo's right, having a baby around people who don't know their secret could risk exposure. Piper's tough, she'll make it, especially since she'll have her loving husband and two wonderful sisters there to help her through it. In the end, the sisters and Ava found out what the evil eye was, Oran was defeated, Phoebe got some control of her missing powers back, and Ava started to embrace her heritage again. But sadly, they lost some loved ones in the process. R.I.P Theresa and Lydia! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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