Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"A Paige From The Past"

Description: "With Leo as her guide, Paige goes back in time to her teen years, in an attempt to resolve her feelings about the accident that killed her parents. Meanwhile, Piper must prevent ghosts, who have inhabited Phoebe and Cole's bodies, from fulfilling their mission."

If you guys have been anxiously waiting to hear more about Paige's past before she met her sisters, this episode revealed all your answers. It turns out that Paige's witch powers didn't come in until she became a Charmed Ones, but since she's half whitelighter she always had the ability to orb. What is with the sisters always blaming themselves for their loved Ones' deaths? Every single time someone close to them dies they blame themselves, and every single time it wasn't their fault. It was kind of funny to see how Paige was when she was a teenager, and she bore a striking resemblance to Phoebe as a teenager. Who else thought the teenage Paige also looked like the teenaged Prue? I felt bad for Paige because she lost her parents in a time of her life when she was vulnerable and young, and hadn't quite figured out what she was going to do in her life. Paige lived up to every stereotype people have for teenagers, but even though she did all those things that weren't good for her, you could still tell she had a good heart and a strong head on her shoulders. I thought it was hilarious when the ghosts of Frankie and Lulu took over the bodies of Cole and Phoebe. The actors of the show do an awesome job of not only portraying their usual characters, but playing any character the writers throw at them. It was so funny when Lulu and Frankie were making out in the kitchen, calling each other their names (which Piper thought were some weird pet names), and eating the food Piper was preparing for Paige. My favorite quote of this episode is when Piper says, "Alright, enough with the pet names and the accents, and the kitchen. And could you come up with something better than Lulu, it sounds like a poodle." Too funny! I thought it was ironic that the ghosts were bad people, but the reason they had come back wasn't to do bad things. All they wanted was to get married, and I love how that directly correlates with what Phoebe and Cole are going through right now. I'm glad that no matter what Frankie and Lulu did in the bodies, Cole and Phoebe didn't get blamed for it. I found it hilarious when Daryl was freaking out about helping them so much in this episode. Another funny conversation in this episode is when Piper and Daryl show up at the first crime scene and Piper asks him to start wiping finger prints and Daryl says, "No, no, no! Look, I am sick of you and your entire dysfunctional family unit. I will not falsify evidence, I am a cop." And then Piper says, "Okay cop, do I need to remind you that you bailed Cole out of jail last night?" And Daryl asks, "So?" And Piper knowing she's got him says, "So I was wondering what you were gonna tell your captain when he sees Cole on the surveilance tape." And Daryl comes back with, "What are you waiting for? Go get the damn tape!" Which he then commences to wipe the fingerprints from the counter. Daryl loves the family, but sometimes the stress of helping them and not getting caught catches up to poor Daryl. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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