Sunday, November 6, 2011

"Coyote Piper"

Description: "Prue and Phoebe have their hands full when Piper is possessed by the evil life essence, Terra, on the day of her high school reunion."

Ever wondered what the Charmed Ones were like when they were in high school? Well now we got a chance to find out. I don't know, but just something about Piper always made me think she was socially awkward in high school, and Prue the popular one. Something that this episode didn't touch on was how Phoebe was in high school. I wonder? No matter how you are in high school though shouldn't define how you live the rest of your life. Piper never let it bother her before now, so maybe it's only when she comes across people she felt inferior too in high school. For example, that Missy person was a real bitch! Telling Piper what to do and how to do it in her own club! That lady has got some nerve! I love when Prue said, "You want me to beat some people up for you? Cause I will!" I don't think it really helped Piper's confidence level but it sure got a good laugh out of the audience. I think Holly Marie Combs did an awesome job of portraying a possessed Piper in this episode. She obviously was asked to do some things that were way out of her comfort zone (dance on the bar of P3), but she still took one for the team and did it. When an actor puts that kind of effort into something like that it turns out awesome, and in this case it did. I feel bad for Phoebe because she is almost grieving the loss of Cole. I wonder how she would be right now if she had actually vanquished him? You guys might be wondering when is she going to tell her sisters? Well, it won't be long now and believe me it isn't going to be easy. The one thing she didn't lie to them about was the fact that she's been doing a lot of soul searching since Cole disappeared. I believe that she's trying to justify him loving her and finding signs of his good side in his past life. It was sad to see that originally Cole's mother was the person who killed Cole's father. To top that off, Cole was there to witness it at the ripe young age of 3. How awful! I wish the producers of the show would have gone more into Kierkin and Terra's story. Like why she wanted Kierkin dead so much, and vice versa. How did Terra even hear about the Charmed Ones to begin with? Who knows. In the end, the class reunion went off without a hitch (with a little of unexpected entertainment), Prue might have found her a new boyfriend, and Piper was saved from the evil hands of Terra. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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