Description: "After kidnapping Phoebe, Cole sends a shapeshifter to assume Phoebe's identity, to help him manipulate Piper and Paige into giving him ownership of the manor, allowing him access to the powerful Nexus located beneath the house. Meanwhile, Phoebe plans her escape, while Cole gets Paige arrested, and ensures that Piper's club fails to pass health inspection, in order to keep them distracted."
First sabotaging Phoebe's career, ruining Piper's club, getting Paige hurt, arrested, and charged for vehicular homicide, and then taking over the manor, the only question now is what else does Cole have up his sleeve. It has gotten to the point now where I'm so confused. I don't know what his true intentions are, either to force the Charmed Ones to kill him or to win Phoebe back, because he keeps flip flopping between the two. I gotta say though, using the law to get to the sisters is pretty ingenious, because at first the girls didn't even expect that he was the one behind all the stuff happening. Although, who would really sue an advice columnist because you left your husband at the altar? I would understand if maybe your husband left you at the altar because of something he read in the column, but the woman had free reign, no one forced her to do anything. Phoebe just writes the advice, it's people's perogative whether they do anything with the advice given or not. Poor Piper, P3 is like her baby and so far they've had nothing bad happen to it, until Cole decided to get involved. A funny quote in this episode is when the health inspector was just about to give Piper another chance when he sees mice run under the counter, and Piper says, "No, they don't live here, they're just trying to RUIN MY LIFE!!" Too funny! Okay, how pathetic is it that Cole wants Phoebe back so bad, that he is using shape-shifting strippers so they can shift into Phoebe so he can get his jollys. I don't know where the real Cole Turner that I know went, but I want him back. I don't know who or what has made him this way, but the real Cole would never act this way. I guess this is what a broken heart can do to a person, but Phoebe had the same broken heart and this hasn't happened to her. I felt bad for Paige because she felt so guilty over what was happening with that woman. It wasn't Paige's fault, but since they hadn't quite figured out that Cole was behind all of it, she still blamed herself. Cole has stooped to a whole new low if he's back to killing innocents. It is so sad to see how loving and funny and protective Cole used to be, and then we see this Cole who is just an empty evil shell of his former self. I mourn the loss of the old Cole! Okay, about this Kaya girl that was impersonating Phoebe to get closer to Cole. You would think that since the Halliwell sisters are so close, that they would easily be able to tell when someone is being impersonated. But every single time one of them is in that situation, in my opinion it takes them far to long, especially when the differences are obvious. I was proud of Phoebe when she took initiative at the end of the episode and walked into the manor that was full of demons, to take back the power of the Nexus. This is the first time that a demon has tried to take possession of the Nexus, but it won't be the last. And good ole Phoebe used that spell which originated from Grams from back when Phoebe was a child and was scared of the Woogy. "I am light. I am one too strong to fight. Return to dark where shadows dwell, you cannot have this Halliwell. Go away and leave my sight, and take with you this endless night." It also happens to be my favorite spell from the whole show. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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