Description: "Phoebe and Paige search for Leo after Paige accidentally causes a "chipper" Piper to have amnesia, but the sisters soon learn he is being held on the mythical island of Valhalla. Unfortunately, they have no idea that it's Chris and his mysterious plans. Meanwhile, Phoebe discovers she is now an empath, and the dangers of this newfound power. Paige gets a job walking dogs and realizes one of the canines is actually a human."

The new season has started, but for the sisters, they are still realing from what happened in last season's finale. Paige and Phoebe are still trying to figure out what has made Piper so "psychotically chipper", while trying to keep up with Chris' never-ending list of demons that he wants them to hunt down and destroy. This season, Paige has decided that she needs to get back into the working world, so of all the places she looks for a job, she goes to the temp agency. I personally don't understand why Paige didn't just go back to her old job at South Bay Social Services and ask for her old job back. They really liked you there and were sad to see you leave, so I'm sure they would welcome her back with open arms. I'm assuming that the way she is reasoning it is the less time and commitment she puts into a job, the more time she can still have to perform her witchly duties. Phoebe has once again gained a new power, but this time it took her longer to realize it as a power. Phoebe has always been in tune with people's feelings because that's just how her personality is, but now she just has to learn to control when she channels their feelings. For example, when Jason ambushed her at work with a surprise visit, and she wasn't able to keep her lips off of him. I'm glad to see that she still has strong feelings for him although she's been dating other guys. That dude that stood her up was a real ass, just because he feels intimidated by girls who are successful. Phoebe deserves better than that and I'm glad she realizes it. Okay back to Piper and her "chipper" self. I was glad to see that Phoebe and Paige didn't hesitate in noticing that there was something not right about the way that Piper was acting. Piper has always been the sister to lose it in stressful situations, and especially when anything bad happened to Leo, so for her to be acting like everything was fine and she wasn't worried, there was obvi

ously something wrong. It's a show of how close their bond of sisters is, if they can pick up on something slight as that. Chris might be really starting to piss some of you off especially now that it is apparent that he was the one who sent Leo to Valhalla, but I promise you guys he has a legit reason for hating Leo. Speaking of Valhalla, I'm not quite sure how to classify this really secluded and creepy place. I know that they train warriors to ultimately be able to survive the great battle that will someday happen a long time from now, but why don't they also teach their warriors to have a filter. It's almost like these warriors can't think for themselves because they are so used to being told what to do, but when they accidentally get let loose in the city they completely lose track of what's right and wrong. The process of becoming ready to fight is a very dangerous and grueling process it seems like also. I was glad to see that Daryl was right there with the girls every step of the way like always. Daryl has always had a close relationship with the family, but it comes out the most in times of crisis. In my opinion, poor Daryl doesn't get enough credit for all the life-endangering scenarios that the Halliwells put him in all the time. It was so funny when Paige and Phoebe went to ask Daryl if they could borrow his soul, and he just looked at them like they had lost their minds. You might be wondering how much more of this he can take, but you guys will just have to wait and see how this all plays out. Leo looks like he's going to be sticking around for some time now even though he's an elder, in order to find out who sent him to Valhalla. Chris is going to have to watch his back, because there's obviously a reason that he's being so evasive from the Charmed Ones and Leo. If you hate the idea of Chris still sticking around, all I have to say is just try and give him a chance because he does get better. Wow, does Piper sure know how to kick ass when she needs to. This isn't the last time that

Piper was forced to play a character that had to fight hardcore, and boy does Holly know how to bring it! My favorite quote of the episode is after Piper had flung down Paige for the second time and Paige goes, "Why does she always pick on me first?" Too funny! Well the problems with Piper and Leo have finally come to a head just like I promised, because Piper has asked Leo to stay away from her for awhile so she has some time to sort out how she's going to live her life without him. This is going to pose as a problem, since Leo is going to be sticking around to keep an eye on Chris and do some investigating. Like I've been saying, the problem with Leo and Piper is going to get a lot worse before it gets any better, so you guys are just going to have to stay patient. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
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