Description: "When three evil sisters magically steal the Charmed Ones' identities and powers, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige must convince Chris that they are the real Charmed Ones in order to get their lives back. Meanwhile, Piper realizes that Wyatt needs time with Leo, who continues on his quest to find out who put him on the island of Valhalla."

I've heard about identity theft before, but nothing that went to this extreme. The Stillman sisters literally took over the Halliwells' lives, right down to who they formed relationships with and what happened in their jobs. Right from the first scene of the show, I could tell that the Charmed Ones were really imposters. Anybody who really watches this show and pays attention to how the sisters act, could clearly tell that those weren't the real Halliwells. Mitzy, Mabel, and Margo quickly got annoying and it was really weird to see everybody referring to them as Piper, Phoebe, and Paige. The Stillman sisters set into this wanting to just gain all their powers and take over the manor and the Book of Shadows, but they soon found other ways of ruining the Halliwells' lives. Elise should have known something was up when she read the article that "Phoebe" submitted for the paper. Phoebe has worked at the Bay Mirror long enough that Elise should know that Phoebe would never condone the stuff that was written in the column. Watching the date that imposter Phoebe went on with Jason was just hilarious. Phoebe has always enjoyed her share of sex, but she has never and I can't see her ever going under the table to do the dirty in a public place. It was so funny when the real Phoebe approached the table and punched the imposter in the nose and the whole time Jason didn't know what was going on. Phoebe sure has a mean punch to her, so I'm sure the Stillman sister felt it in the morning. Paige is still on this temp job kick and I think the reason that keeps her going is that at each job she finds somebody that she can help. Paige has a big heart just like Piper and Phoebe, so it's only understandable that she would want to help people whenever she gets the chance, but why she is settlling for measly temp jobs when she can get a better one is beyond me. Paige should be a lawyer due to her very good reasoning skills, because she sure put those little gremlins in their place. I don't know whether gremlins are necessarily evil creatures or just annoying, but I was glad in the end when Paige found them somewhere else where they can roam freely and cause chaos, without having to resort to vanquishing them when they were just trying to have fun. Leo just can't seem to keep himself away from both Piper and Wyatt. I thought it was really sweet when he said he orbs into the nursery sometimes just to hold Wyatt and spend some time with him. I'm glad to see that no matter how many ill feelings she may have toward Leo, Piper wants Wyatt to have his father in his life, and is willing to put those feelings aside for the good of her son. It kills
me to watch both Leo and Piper go through this pain since they had been going good and strong for such a long time. For all you avid Piper and Leo fans out there, don't worry not all hope is lost. I think that Leo should give up on trying to prove Chris sent him to Valhalla. I understand that endangered both you and Piper, but there was obviously a reason he did it, it's over now and everything worked out okay, and he has been nothing but goo

d to the Charmed Ones ever since. You guys have to remember that I hinted Chris has a back story and a greater reason for being here then he has let on to the Charmed Ones, so be patient and watch it unfold. I know for most viewers Chris seems like an ass and a nuisance, but you will in time come to like him. Piper's imposter was the funniest I thought, but she was also the most like the sister she was trying to pose as. The funniest scene was when she was about to have sex with the bartender (who weirdly looks like Taylor Lautner) in Piper's bed, and Leo just happened to be holding Wyatt in there. Leo was like, "Uh, Piper!" Too funny! I enjoyed seeing the Halliwells having to convince Chris that they were the real Charmed Ones with no powers, but I think he had a pretty good idea when "Paige" and "Phoebe" kept hitting on him. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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