Season five served as a great learning experience for some sisters, a time for growth in other sisters, and the renewel of love in a couple more of the Halliwells. A lot of love was shared in the season, but in turn a lot of love was also lost. Throw in some creatures that decided to make the Charmed Ones one of them, and you got what was a great season! Unfortunately Cole was lost from their lives, but we can't forget that little Baby Wyatt was brought into this world. As each season goes on, the Charmed Ones' family ties get stronger, but not only their hearts are growing. The Halliwells started out as powerful, but as time goes on, their powers are growing and so is their knowledge of demon hunting. The sisters have to keep up with the ever increasing number of demons who seem to get more powerful as they go on. I can't emphasize enough how proud I am to see the Charmed Ones rely more and more on their instincts, and as you may have noticed, haven't been going to the book so much. Their bond of sisters has always been there, but I was happy to see in this season they were starting to listen to each other more and work more as a team. Each sister is competitive in their own way, but there's times where you can do things individually, but there's also times that need the power of three. I'm glad to see the sisters are figuring that out and smartening up a little bit, and not being so quick to jump into dangerous situations before they think. Season five left a lot of holes in the stories and questions unanswered also. Every demon they came across recently has mentioned the ultimate power coming from Baby Wyatt, so what will come of it in the next season? The mysterious whitelighter from the future, Chris, has a hidden story, will the Halliwells ever figure it out? Will they ever see Leo again? What's going to happen with Piper and Leo's relationship? All these questions and more are answered in season 6, so stay tuned! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Season 5 Overview! Enjoy!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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