Description: "Glen returns to Paige's life with a big surprise - he is about to get married to a girl named Jessica. Meanwhile, the sisters summon a Witch Doctor whom they want to dispatch all the evil remnants that surround the manor."

I'm back! I decided to take the holidays off from blogging to have plenty of time to spend with my family. Now that I'm back in school for the semester, I'm going to start up this again and hopefully finish it in due time. This episode was great because it revealed the Halliwells' obsessions and maybe even some problems with themselves they have to work out. Piper has always been focused on trying to keep the manor as clean as possible, but when she was under the witch doctors' hex, she went extremely overboard. I thought it was hilarious when she put the slip covers over the furniture, but then proceeded to tell Phoebe that they should probably just stand from now on. Gotta love Piper's sense of humor! The witch doctor by the way must have been living under some very deep rock for the last five years. The Charmed Ones' reputation precedes them, so for the witch doctor not to know that they were the Charmed Ones, let alone good witches, was very surprising. It got confusing when we didn't know whether the witch doctor was playing for the side of good or evil, because the only reason he put a hex on the Halliwells was because he thought they were evil witches. That alone makes me think that he was good, but the way he went about it, stealing their personal items and putting a hex (that I associate with being evil), on them. I felt bad for Paige in this episode, because out of the seasons that Paige has been on the show so far, Glen is the main guy she's dated, and the one she's been the closest to. He's also the only one outside of the family that knows about the sisters being witches. It just sucks that right when she was going to tell him that she wanted to have a serious relationship with him, he drops the bombshell that he is getting married. Fo

r Jessica being in love with him, she wasn't really excepting to his best friend. Granted Paige did almost ruin her marriage and try to kill her, but even when Paige was trying to apologize, Jessica wasn't having any of it. I don't blame Phoebe for wanting to get back at Spencer Ricks, because men like that in this world are so ignorant. Women have come a long way in society, so for men to degrade us like that by going back to olden times, is just wrong. I wouldn't have been upset in the slightest if Piper, Paige, and Leo hadn't gotten to Phoebe in time and she had ended up killing him. It probably wouldn't have been good for Phoebe in the long run though, since the most important rule behind 'never use your powers for personal gain' is 'never harm an innocent'. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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