Description: "The Charmed Ones face a demon who has been killing leprechauns and stealing their magic. The leprechauns endow the sisters with good luck, which enables Paige to gain material wealth, Phoebe to meet a man, and Piper to book a major star to play P3."

Most people would jump at the chance to have a leprechaun give them all the good luck they could ever ask for without even thinking about it, but now the Charmed Ones know that it isn't as easy as it seems. I myself didn't know that it was possible for leprechauns to give out bad luck as well as good luck until I watched this episode. I found it funny how this episode plays into all the leprechaun stereotypes such as the rainbow, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and them being short and wearing green and brown. I don't blame a demon for wanting to get a hold of some leprechaun gold, because if you have all the good luck, you would have a very easy life. I enjoyed watching how the sisters and Leo were adjusting to having a new baby in the house. It's interesting to see them having to work out who goes and fights demons vs. who stays home to tend to the baby. As you could probably see, there is starting to be a bit of a strain on Piper and Leo's relationship. I'm not going to give anything away, but it's going to get a lot worse before it gets any better. The more time that Wyatt is in the family, we are starting to see more and more of Leo and Piper's wonderful parenting coming out. In my opinion, they should never have doubted that they would be good parents because they are wonderful! It h

as gotten to the point that whenever a demon gets this strange notion that they're going to be the ones who finally take down the Charmed Ones, I just want to scream! It seems like demons are getting more and more stupid! Unless the demon has been living under a very big rock, they couldn't have missed all the demons before them getting vanquished while trying to kill the Charmed Ones. So what makes them think their attempts are going to have any better results? One relationship has started to blossom this episode though, and that would be the beautiful and romantic relationship between Phoebe and Jason Dean. Ever since he started running the newspaper she works at in the last episode, they have been flirting with eachother nonstop. I liked how he went about getting her to date him, although I don't think those were his true intentions when he first started making her write the article on online dating. They are just soooo cute together! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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