Description: "After Piper is put on bed rest for high blood pressure, Phoebe and Paige discover that all magic has disappeared from the world. While attending a summit meeting between good and evil to attempt to restore it, they learn that there is a connection between the loss of magic and the birth of Piper's child."

Ever since Leo and Piper's baby was conceived, it has been making extraordinary things happen in the magical world, but nothing could compare to what was happening in the days surrounding its birth. This is the first time that the baby was referred to the "Twice Blessed Child," and for all of you that don't quite understand what they mean by that I will elaborate. What the producers and writers mean by the twice blessed child, is that not only is this baby going to be a child of a Charmed One, but will also be a child of a whitelighter, meaning its powers will be stronger. I like this episode, because it shows that the girls can still save the world and protect themselves without the extra help of their powers. At least this time when the demons attacked them, the two sides were on even playing fields, when most of the time it's one over the other. It was funny to see that the demons weren't as well prepared as Phoebe and Paige were, and in the end, good triumphs once again. I can't believe how fast Victor fell in love with that woman Doris. The way they made it seem, was that they met and got married in such a short amount of time. It takes time to really get to know someone, and maybe if Victor had given it more time, he would have realized who she really was. I will say one thing though, after he discovered that she was evil and had seen her get vanquished, he didn't seem too distraught over the fact that she was gone. It must have been a whole lot of lust and not a lot of love going around, and I wonder how Victor is going to explain that story to his divorce lawyer. This is the first time that the demons go after Piper and Leo's baby, but it will certainly not be the last time. I have to admit that even though the demons had a pretty good plan going, the only way it was able to proceed so far in their favor, was that all the magical signs were pointing in their favor. It was great to see Paige shine at something, and to hear her talk about her days in high school and how she was great in chem lab. The only things that we have heard about Paige being in high school so far were of her being a bad rebel, so it was nice to hear something good for a change. Paige and Phoe

be make a good team, and it was cool to see them kicking some demon butt in the Pizzeria. I wonder what ever happened to the owner of the restaurant, because the demons had said they put him in the oven, but was there enough time to save him? In the end, evil was once again triumphed over, magic was returned to the world (both good and bad), and the next generation of Halliwells was born. My favorite quote of this episode is when Paige says, "Is that what I think it is?" And Phoebe says, "Uh, if you're referring to Mr. Winkie between the legs, yes." I find it funny that the Charmed Ones had just assumed that the baby was a girl this whole time, and never thought it could be a boy. That might have something to do with the fact that the sisters have yet to come across a male witch. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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