Description: "When the mythic Gods, the Titans, are released and kill all the elders, Leo is forced to take over. Meanwhile, a mysterious whitelighter from the future guides the Charmed Ones when Leo gives the girls the ultimate power to vanquish the Titans, recreating them as Greek Goddesses, despite the risk that they will be seduced by their vast new powers. Now all-powerful Goddesses, the Charmed Ones must try to not be seduced by their new powers and stay focused on vanquishing the Titans before the they can destroy all the whitelighters and elders. Meanwhile, Leo must decide whether to become an elder or remain with his family."

Back in a time thousands of years ago, the people that we know today as the elders, banished the Titans into an ice cave. What the elders didn't count on was a demon freeing them in the present day, and allowing them to take revenge. This was the first episode of the series where the producers have touched on the stories of Greek mythology, instead of always going off the ancient stories of wicca. What I want to know is what the Titans did thousands of years ago to make the elders want to trap them in the ice. The Titans were very hard to read as individuals but their plan was obviously very clear. We got the fact that they wanted to kill whitelighters to get their power to orb, so that they can then get to the elders and destroy them. Maybe it's just the fact that I like to look deeper into the story then what the writers provide, but it seemed like the Titans had other motives of turning against eachother. Maita was a little permiscuous and I couldn't tell if she really loved Demitrius, or if she was just using him for benefit, and the same goes for Cronus. Titans don't seem like the kind of people that like to form close bonds with other, and are just after a greater goal. Even if Maita was in love with Demitrius, it didn't seem like the feeling was as mutual as it was shown at first, because once Cronus killed her, Demitrius sure got over her pretty quick. What I can't figure out though, is how come the elders didn't have enough power to defeat the Titans? Before now, we have been taught to believe that the elders were the most powerful good beings out there, but if they had to the power to defeat them they would have instead of just trapping them in ice. Leo really stepped up to the plate and took charge in this episode, and although it was at a great price, I'm very proud that he had the guts to do that. If it wasn't for Leo, there would be no living elders and whitelighters, and the world would be on the fast track to destruction. A lot of viewers seem to view Leo as very passive and not one to take charge, but they sure changed their view of him in this episode. It takes someone very brave to go against regulation and do something extremely risky, in order to save the greater good. Although Leo didn't entirel

y make this decision on his own, what do you guys think of this mysterious Chris guy from the future? He seems to have a lot of info on the Charmed Ones and Leo, but for now he's not talking. To watch his story unfold you're just going to have to keep reading and watching! I thought that the goddess powers that the sisters were gifted with suited their personalities and strengths very well. Throughout the whole run of the show so far, Phoebe has always been the most romantic and in tune with her heart, so only naturally Leo would make her the Goddess of Love. Ever since Paige quit her job to concentrate more on her witchly duties she's been on this super witch kick, so only naturally she would be made the Goddess of War. I believe that Leo made up the decision to make Piper the Goddess of Nature more on personal feelings than everything, but his heart was in it. I found it confusing that the whole episode Chris was telling the Halliwells to not give in to the pull of the Goddess powers, but in the end that was what's needed to defeat the Titans. I was glad to see Piper get the chance to perform some kick butt moves with her new powers, since she doesn't get many moments in the spotlight. I was a little disappointed to see Phoebe accept a date with that Evan guy toward the end of the episode. I think her and Jason are a very cute and loving couple, and if she really loves him as much as she keeps telling herself, she shouldn't let distance ruin that. My ultimate wish for Phoebe though is to see her happy, so I still stand by every decision she makes. Speaking of decisions, I've been putting off writing this episode because of the turning point that it brings. I've been slowly breaking it to you guys that Piper and Leo's relationship was going to take a massive turn for the worse, and now the time has come. Sadly, I think Piper was sensing it coming too, but it didn't make it easier to deal with when it came. The sisters can't believe that the elders,

who they hate so much, has now recruited Leo as a member. Chris called it the "ultimate reward" but for the sisters who are on the other side of the equation, they don't see it as that. For all of you that think all hope is lost and that we'll never see Leo again, don't worry he doesn't stay gone long. I can't believe that the elders decided to make Chris the Charmed Ones' whitelighter, but I believe they did that just so they can keep a closer watch on him. As for Chris, he did something really suspicious to Leo at the end of the episode, but you're going to have to wait to see what happened. Once again the doors of the manor were magically closed, signaling the end of the season. See you all on the other side in Season 6! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!
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