Sunday, October 28, 2012


Description:  "Bianca, a woman from the future, arrives to take Chris' powers, and Leo learns that she is actually part of an assassin family of witches.  In an attempt to distract the Charmed Ones, Bianca casts a spell which causes the sisters to act on their true desires, which prompts Piper to give her sisters her blessing to move out of the manor to be with their boyfriends."
Sometimes our past comes back to bite us, but in Chris' case someone from his future came to the past to cause him harm.  Up until now little, has been told of Chris' intentions and his story of who he was and why he really came back to the past.  In this episode, it was seen that Chris really does have a heart and feelings in there, he just doesn't let down his guard long enough or often for them to be seen.  From what little we found out in this episode, it very well seems like Chris has a reason for being so guarded and protected, but it was also made obvious why his need to keep Wyatt from turning evil is so urgent.  From what little we have seen thus far of how powerful Wyatt is in just under a year old, knowing that one day all that power could be used for evil is just scary!  I bet you guys are just dying for all the holes and questions in Chris' story to be answered, but that my friends is going to have to wait a little while longer.  Although, for those who were listening carefully you might have picked up on one really big one that will definitely become more important and obvious later.  Some people might not think too much about the fact that Chris let slip that he was half whitelighter and half witch, but that's the key point that you really need to remember.  As much as the writers revealed about Chris in this episode, there were still a lot of holes that keep us wondering and waiting.  I thought it was neat that although in the future the Charmed Ones are supposedly dead, the manor has been turned into a shrine/museum in there honor.  I wonder what really happened to bring down the sisters in that future, but you guys will just have wait and see because I'm not giving anything away just yet.  It was interesting to see how much of an ally Leo was when Chris was in pain and hurting, and I think that has more to do with what happened between Leo and Piper than anything.  Leo could probably relate to how Chris was feeling broken-hearted about Bianca and felt sorry for him.  We'll see how long this lasts between those two, but for the time being it's a nice change from the constant fighting.  Speaking of Leo and being broken-hearted, does Piper have to flounce about the fact that she's dating someone right in front of Leo.  I don't know about everybody else, but you could clearly see the pain in his eyes and feel his heart breaking.  Although I felt bad for Leo, my favorite quote in this episode is when Leo orbed in before Piper and Greg were about to be intimate and Piper said, "You have to turn around.  You don't get to see this anymore."  Too funny!  I thought it was sweet that in the end the sisters decided to give it a try living seperately for a while.  As close as they are, living right on top of each other all the time is not healthy and as they keep saying they can't still be living together in another 50 years.  Them living seperately never lasts long, but it will give them a chance to find themselves and enjoy some time apart.  As they always say, "Absense makes the heart grow fonder."  "May the power of three set you free!"  Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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