Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Deja Vu All Over Again"

Description: "As a demon makes plans for his attempt to kill the Charmed Ones, he receives a visit from Tempus, the Devil's Sorcerer who will turn back time until the demon succeeds in killing all the sisters. Meanwhile, because of the endless loop, Phoebe has a number of strong cases of deja vu, and she even sees Andy's death at the hand of a demon."

Have you ever had a day where it seemed to last forever? Well in the case of the Halliwell sisters, their day went on for the length of three days.  Maybe it was because I was so impatient for this season to be over so we could move on to the next season, but I felt like this episode went on forever.  It was getting a little old when they kept repeating the day over and I kept finding myself saying, "Didn't I just watch this?!"  I guess that was the whole point, but I felt that most of the episode was very slow moving.  I liked seeing Piper tell that lady at Quake where she could stuff her overly priced wardrobe, because up until now we've never gotten the chance to see her stick up for herself.  Some people might think that Piper was being hyper-sensitive, but in my opinion she had every right to do what she did considering that lady was being a major b****!  It's kind of sad how Piper doesn't think she's accomplished a lot in her life, and in consequence often feels inferior to those she went to high school with.  At the end of the episode she decides to do something about going forward with what she actually wants to do with her life and finally quits her job at Quake.  What she chooses to do now that she's no longer working in the restaurant will become more important next season, so you're just going to have to wait and see!  In my opinion, all three of the sisters are very well accomplished both in the work force and the supernatural degree.  I bet the Charmed Ones wish they could sometimes let people know what they do for the greater good on a daily basis, but then the world would treat them as a freak show so it's probably best to keep it on the down low.  But if the general public had any idea about how often the Halliwells save the world, maybe they would think twice about treating them like dirt sometimes.  Now let's get to the point that I'm sure you all are anxiously awaiting me to mention, and that is the demise and downfall of our poor loved Andy.  :(  Andy has become a very important character throughout the run of this season, and it was sad that the producers no longer saw a need for his storyline to continue.  I think in a way, Andy's death is going to be important for Prue's character to grow and develop from here.  I like how Andy and Prue finally admitted how they really still felt for each other toward the end of the episode, when it became apparent that Andy had to either listen to Prue or be hurt in the process.  Unfortunately, Andy had to learn the hard way that unless you have the means of being able to go up against the supernatural you probably shouldn't because you're going to either hurt yourself, the ones around you, or get in the way.  Leave it to the all powerful Charmed Ones!  I thought it was sweet though that in the end Andy was more concerned with protecting Prue and her sisters and warning them about Rodriguez, that he didn't think twice about the danger of doing so.  I thought the demon Rodriguez had a really clever way of getting to the Charmed Ones, but if it hadn't been for him getting help from Tempus he wouldn't have made it as far as he did.  I'll give it to him that he was witty and clever in going through the law enforcement to get to them, but in reality he wasn't at all powerful enough to defeat the Charmed Ones on his own.  I wonder when the Underworld is finally going to get the memo that unless you're looking to die and having some serious suicidal thoughts, I would definitely stay well away from San Francisco and the Halliwell manor.  I felt bad for Phoebe that she had to be one to see Andy die in a premonition and carry that weight of guilt around with her.  I bet Phoebe feels like it's a curse sometimes when she has to see what could possibly happen in the near future if they don't do something to change the present time.  Prue would have probably taken the death of the one she loved harder if Andy hadn't come to her in the dream like state when she was passed out.  He helped her realize that it was his time to go and that if she just continued to turn time backwards than worser things could possibly happen.  I also liked how she channeled her anger about Andy being killed into taking it out on vanquishing Andy, and my favorite quote is when she says, "We might not be murderers, but we're no angels either."  At the end of the episode, Prue uses her power to close the doors of the Halliwel manor, and you will soon find out that becomes a fixture in each of the season closers.  See you all on the other side in Season 2!  "May the power of three set you free!"  Keep reading and watching!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

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