Description: "Acting on Phoebe's premonitions, the sisters race to stop a mysterious killer from striking again. Meanwhile, Prue finds a truth spell and uses it to find out what Andy's reaction to her being a witch would be."
This is one of my favorite episodes in Season One because we all know how hard it is to tell the truth sometimes, so can you imagine what it would be like if you were forced to tell the truth all the time? What problems that would cause for everyone involved? I think it was smart for Prue to use the spell to see what Andy would say before she would actually have to say it for real. I did feel bad for Prue at the end of the episode though, when she found out that Andy would never be able to accept being in a relationship with someone who was a witch. I can understand where Andy is coming from in wanting to live a normal life, but I was glad that he still wanted to be friends with Prue. I don't know if Andy would have had a better reaction to finding out Prue was a witch if she had given him more time, but it couldn't have hurt. At least there's no more wondering about what Andy's reaction will be, but now he won't even remember it since the spell wore off, although I think in some ways Prue is actually happy about that. Don't worry this story isn't even close to being played out, so stay tuned to find out what happens next! I think Prue should have been more careful in making sure no one else was in the house though, that way it wouldn't have affected Phoebe and Piper also. As opposed to Prue, Piper had a much better outcome of the truth spell. Piper isn't the most outgoing person in the world, so I believe the spell gave her the confidence she needed to ask Leo how he felt about her. I was as shocked as Piper about how well the spell worked, and Piper and Leo had their first kiss! (Insert shriek time here) I couldn't believe my eyes when they first kissed and I cannot express to you guys enough how much I LOVE this couple! It just sucks that Leo doesn't remember what happened between the two of them, but toward the end it sounded like Piper was going to work on it the right way now that she knows how Leo feels about her. Now what is with this creepy demon from the future? We never even learned his name and only know him as the demon with three eyes. Isn't that weird? The producers could have done a better job of explaining what the vaccine was for. The
demon said it was used to get rid of warlocks like him, but what do the people he killed have anything to do with this vaccine that's going to be created in the future? Even if those people worked on the vaccine that brought about his demise, killing him wouldn't stop other people from making the same vaccine. I found it funny when Piper stood up to her boss and actually quit, then when the truth spell was over, Martin didn't even remember the incident. But I was proud of Piper when she went back into the kitchen and told Martin how it was, and this time he was sure to remember it. Thanks to the truth spell, Hannah finally slipped up enough to make Prue really suspicious. I won't be long now until Prue uncovers what's really going on at Buckland's Auction house, and it's not going to be pretty! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
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