Description: "When Prue witnesses a kidnapping in the park, a reporter sees her using her powers. Phoebe and Piper attempt to learn more about the demons who stole the child and stop the reporter from exposing Prue. Meanwhile, Andy finally learns about Prue's powers."
Grimlocks are noted as demons that kidnap little boys to steal their eyesight to use for their own devious ways of killing, but doesn't that seem very disturbing and weird? The sisters have never come across a demon quite like this before, and I'm sure they won't be in a hurry to see them again after this. The grimlocks have a lot of nerve to kidnap a child in broad daylight, but the grimlock obviously thought there would be no one in the park with powers able to stop it. Boy was he wrong, and because of his stupidity now Prue has to pay for it. That reporter guy was very questionable and annoying, plus he had a very devious side. What kind of normal person uses what they know against someone and makes it a point to stake out their house day and night? He clearly set his sights on becoming a famous reporter off of the outcome of releasing the story that Prue was a witch, and once that dream was set in his mind he wasn't taking anything but 'yes' for an answer. I wasn't sad to see him meet his demis at the end of the episode, but if he had just kept out of business that wasn't his own he wouldn't have had an issue. I'm glad that Andy has finally been let in on the big secret, since it was geting harder to keep it from him. He wasn't getting very far from figuring it out on his own, and just a couple more episodes he would have put two and two together and got witch. How many viewers were disappointed when Andy and Prue didn't get back together even though he knows she's a witch? You're not alone trust me, but Andy has his reasons and he deserves to lead a normal life. A funny scene from this episode is when Phoebe is on the internet looking up the kidnappings from twenty years ago while Piper is going around the kitchen pulling boxes out of cabinets. Then when Phoebe turns around to tell Piper something and sees all the boxes in her hand she says, "Honey, I know you're upset but that's not going to help." Too funny! Way to jump to conclusions Phoebe, but it was an understandable conclusion since a way people deal with stress is by eating and Piper was holding the food. Speaking of Piper, I knew this Josh dude was too good to be true and wasn't going to last long. Just when Piper was really starting to get comfortable with him, he goes and drops the bomb that he's leaving to take a job in Beverly Hills. I thought it was hilarious when Piper thought Josh wanted to have the "sex talk", when all he wanted to ask was whether she wanted him to stay or go, which was then followed with her getting all confused and making the conversation really awkward. I thought it was really sweet that Josh considered Piper's feelings but she clearly only has eyes for Leo. Piper said this too, when Phoebe and Prue wanted to know what her decision was about Josh. Piper has been doing a lot of following her instincts lately and I'm glad, because her instincts seem to always point back to Leo. For all you guys who are anxiously waiting for Leo to come back don't worry, his return is only one more episode away! The guy that Phoebe went to go see who had lost his eyesight in the first kidnapping twenty years ago was really sweet and helpful. I thought it was nice that since he lost his eyesight from these monsters, he wanted to do anything and everything he could to help find the current missing little boys. I was glad to see that since he had done so much in ensuring that the boys were rescued, that at the end of the episode he got his reward of getting his eyesight back. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!