Wednesday, March 31, 2010

"The Wedding From Hell"

Description: "As Piper is set to cater a wedding, the sisters must face Hecate, a powerful demon goddess who is preying upon a woman, her son, and his fiancee, while attempting to conceive a demon child. Meanwhile, Phoebe worries that Piper may be pregnant with Jeremy's warlock spawn."
A wedding is supposed to be the most anticipated moment in a couple's life, where they pledge their love with two simple words, "I do." Well Allison was all amped up to have her perfect day with Elliot, when Jade (Hecate) came in and ruined all her plans. The situation was made worse when no one was letting Allison see Elliot to figure out what was happening. Allison had no clue what was going on, but all she knew was some mysterious woman had swooped in and stole her man right out from under her nose. I thought it was a pretty big coincidence that Piper just happened to be catering that wedding, because otherwise the wedding between Jade and Elliot would have gone through and there would be demon children making their way into the world. Speaking of demon babies, I thought it was really funny when Phoebe had the premonition about the demonic baby being born and automatically assumed it was Piper. I don't understand why she jumped to that conclusion so readily, when her sisters aren't the only people she has premonitions about. I was so glad when it turned out not to be Piper though, since she was taking a pregnancy test in the beginning of the episode. Which is slightly understandable why Phoebe would think it was Piper then, since it was Piper's pregnancy test she touched when she had the premonition. The producers made it a bit confusing when it came to the whole Father Trask situation. I never really understood what role he played in the demon baby, such as how he found out and knew where to find Jade. I also was left wondering about what exactly the deal between Elliot's mom and Jade was. They touched on it a little bit about how Jade chose to stay young and beautiful and Elliot's mom chose to be wealthy, but I wonder who they originally made the deal with. Whatever the deal was it must have been pretty powerful and binding, because once Jade swooped in she took complete control over everything, including the manor and wedding preperations. I thought it was kind of weird when Allison just showed up at the Halliwell manor for a meeting with Prue, who she's never even met before. I myself would never go inside someone's home who I didn't know, even if I had met their sisters. Allison also took the news of them being witches pretty well, considering how other people's reactions usually are. There's also something really fishy going on with Hannah and Rex at Prue's work. The writers have made it obvious to us viewers, but have not yet revealed them as demons to Prue. I don't know how Prue still hasn't figured it out though, since the two of them are so obvious about it. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!

"Dream Sorcerer"

Description: "Prue finds her sleep disturbed by strange visions in which she's taunted by a mysterious man. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Piper cast a spell to attract men, but it turns out too strong, and they can barely escape their myriad of admirers."
"I conjure thee! I conjure thee! I am the queen and you're the bee! As I desire, so shall it be!" Wouldn't we all like to write down the qualities we want in a partner? Especially when looking for the person you wish to spend the rest of your life with and just have them appear? I'm sure we all would, but sadly it just doesn't work that way. For Piper and Phoebe it started it out great, but turned into a disaster. For Phoebe it turned out more than great. My favorite quote in this episode is when Phoebe says, "Don't worry we had safe sex......a lot of sex safe! Umph!" Too funny! Phoebe is just a riot and is constantly making me laugh! It got to a point where the men Piper and Phoebe were attracting would get so obsessed with them they would follow them home. It was quite frightening when the dude who Phoebe was seeing was banging on the front door demanding to see her or he would lose his mind. That was the turning point where the spell no longer was fun and Piper and Phoebe knew it was time to end it. That Whitaker dude is kind of creepy though, because what kind of sick pedophile interupts womens' dreams and kills them just because they turned him down for a date? I mean who does that?! I was absolutely disgusted when he used the fact that he was in a wheelchair to get the sympathy of women so they would feel bad and go out with him. Wow, is he really that desperate? What he did to those women and especially Prue was despicable. But boy did Prue show him who's boss in the end, by beating the odds and being able to use her powers in the dream world. I wonder how she was able to still hear Phoebe and Piper in the dream world, when she was unconscious and they were by her bedside. Whatever they did to get through to her worked, and Whitaker died the same way his victims did. In his dreams! Poor Andy still doesn't know what's going on, but he knows none of the cases where the Halliwells are involved are normal and explainable, and he's right. I wish that Prue would just tell him her secret already, but you guys will just have to wait and see! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!

Monday, March 29, 2010

"Dead Man Dating"

Description: "Piper falls for the ghost of a recently murdered man who needs her help. Meanwhile, Phoebe works as a psychic to help others and make money for Prue's birthday present, and Prue discovers a devastating betrayal."
A warlock and now a ghost, leave it to Piper to fall for a dead guy. I find it kind of sad that Piper and Mark never met and fell in love before he died, but now that he's dead there's nowhere the relationship can go. Those two were so cute together talking about how they both love to cook and how they both feel strongly about their relationships with their family. Piper's relationship skills aren't completely hopeless she's just had really bad luck, I promise that her personal life doesn't stay in the pits. I felt bad for Prue when she found Andy having dinner with his ex-wife and thinks he's cheating on her, then finds out he's not cheating he just never told her he was married before. I get that Prue's a little upset that he kept that from her, but she can't really hold it against him since she's keeping the whopper of secrets. What I don't understand though is why Prue doesn't want to celebrate her birthday. I mean who cares if your sisters want to throw you a surprise birthday party? Most people would jump at the chance to get all the presents, attention, and special treatment, but all Prue did was seem ungrateful. I wonder if Prue ever thought how Phoebe and Piper felt when she didn't want them to celebrate her birthday. Prue is still considerably young, so she hasn't even gotten around that age where women don't like revealing how old they are. I wish the writers and producers had elaborated more on why Wong wanted to kill Mark to fake his own death, because it really kind of leaves us hanging there wondering. I feel bad for Mark's mother because now she's lost both important men in her life. It was sweet that even after he was dead, Mark was most concerned about telling his mother and how she would react. You can tell that Mark and his mother are very close and that he loves her very much. That dude Mr. Cory that Phoebe was trying to help was a real rude idiot. Why would you accuse someone of threatening you when they are trying to help and warn you? He must have felt pretty foolish when he learned that Phoebe had been telling the truth this whole time. Take that Mr. Cory! I love how Phoebe says, "That will be twenty bucks, tip not included!" That really showed him. I admit that some of the ways that Phoebe went about trying to keep Mr. Cory save were a bit weird. Breaking a key in someone's door is not only a little strange and creepy but somewhat dangerous. If a fire had broken out in the hotel, Mr. Cory in his wife would have been trapped in their hotel room with no way out. But the important part was that Phoebe's heart was in the right place. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!

Charmed Addiction

I thought all you Charmed Fans would appreciate this video I found on Youtube titled "You know you're addicted to Charmed when...." In my opinion, if you're a fan of Charmed there's no way you can't be addicted. :)

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

"Thank You For Not Morphing"

Description: "The sisters' estranged father returns, but trouble arises when he teams up with the new neighbors, who are actually shape-shifters trying to steal the Book of Shadows. Meanwhile, a handyman comes to the manor to help the girls."
"Daddy's Home!" Those words are almost non-existent in the lives of the Halliwell sisters. I was so surprised when Victor revealed himself as the girls' father. I was like, "Oh, heck no!" I know Prue had the same thought running through her head too. I don't blame Prue though because I would feel the same way if this had happened to me. What kind of father leaves his children when they are small and doesn't return again for twenty years? I don't know what kind of audacity and reasoning he has to come back and expect a happy reunion after all that time and hard feelings. Every child needs their father in their lives, especially during the younger years when they are the most impressionable. It is a well-known fact that girls tend to model who they are going to marry in the future after their own fathers. The episode got kind of confusing because there for a while viewers didn't know if Victor was working for the shape-shifters or not. The producers could have done a better job of showing what side of the equation Victor was actually on, because we didn't quite know how to classify him. Is he a good guy who wants to get closer to his daughters, or is he a bad guy who's just trying to get closer to his daughters so he can steal the Book of Shadows? If we're thinking logically though, Victor is a mortal so what would he really do with the book anyway? Speaking of these shape-shifters, I wonder how long they had been living next to the Halliwells waiting for them to gain their powers. Or maybe they only moved their recently knowing that by living next to the Charmed Ones, they could get closer to them. What makes me wonder what they did to the previous owners in order to obtain the house. My favorite quote of this episode is when Piper says, "Hold on, last week we had no dad and this week we have two?!" Too funny! Leave it to Piper to make light and humor of such a tense situation. I was really proud of Prue that she found a way to save her dad and get rid of the demons at the same time. If Prue had sacrificed her dad, it would have shown their were still some hard feelings there and she doesn't forgive easily. Prue put aside her differences where it mattered the most though which is the important part. In the end, I don't think anyone was surprised when Victor disappeared again. Victor strikes me as the type of guy that can't stay in one place for very long, and feels the need to constantly keep moving around. The wounds of losing their father and not having him in their lives are still there, but the sisters can now finally begin to heal. I thought that the video Victor left for them was a really thoughtful gift, because the girls were able to see how their family was back when their mom was alive and Victor was around. This is also the first episode where Leo Wyatt makes his face shown. For now just as a handyman, but this will soon change in the future. I'm not going to give anything away though, you're just going to have to stay tuned! Leo is very good looking though and I think Piper and Phoebe both agree with me! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!

"I've Got You Under My Skin"

Description: "Piper has trouble dealing with her power and fears what might happen if she enters a church. Meanwhile, Phoebe meets a photographer who sucks the life out of young women to keep himself young, and Prue faces relationship complications with Andy when she gets a job at an auction house."
What I liked most about this episode was watching the sisters trying to cope with their new powers. Although all of us would like to sweep our problems under the rug a lot of the time and not deal with them, for the Halliwell sisters doing this with their powers is not that easy. The only sister who seems genuinely happy to have magical powers is Phoebe, and that probably has more to do with her love of taking risks than common sense. Phoebe strikes me as the most adventurous one, Piper the one who's always so careful and quiet, and Prue as the boss and the one who always takes the leads. Prue and Phoebe's personalities clash so badly no wonder they don't get along well all the time. I don't envy Piper one bit for having to be the mediator between her sisters, and I'm sure it sucks always being put in the middle. Prue and Piper were so afraid to use their powers at the beginning of the episode so they tried to supress them, but you can't hide who you really are. What I like most about this show, is how the writers wrote under the theme, "They're sisters who just happen to be witches, not witches who just happen to be sisters." The Halliwells feel like no matter what happens, who you'll always have at the end of the day is their sisters. I didn't quite understand why Piper thought she was an evil witch and not a good witch. Even before the sisters were witches they were good people, so you don't just turn evil now that you're a witch. I thought it was hilarious when Piper was afraid to go into the church because she thought she would be struck down by lightning. The sisters will soon learn that they can't follow the common witch stereotypes because they are all false, and listening to them would just make the Charmed Ones neurotic. My favorite quote in this episode is when Phoebe had just been saved from Javna by Prue and Piper and they were escaping his lair. When they got outside, Andy and his guys showed up to confront "Stefan" and found the Halliwells there. Having to come up with a cover story, Piper says that Phoebe called them with car trouble and called them to pick her up. Sensing something wasn't right with their story, Andy turns the ignition in the car (that works), and Piper says, "Hey, how 'bout that, you fixed it!" Too funny! This is just the start of Andy wondering about what Prue and her sisters are trying to hide, and he's not going to give up anytime soon. It's about to get a little more complicating with those two though, because Prue and Andy slept together. I know it's not technically their first date since they were highschool sweethearts, but quoting Piper, "That doesn't count, that was last decade." Andy and Prue are a cute couple and I hope they stay together and happy. I'm not going to give anything away, you guys will just have to wait and see! "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

"Something Wicca This Way Comes"

Description: "Phoebe returns to San Francisco to live with her older sisters, Prue and Piper, at their grandmother's house six months after her death. During their first night together, Phoebe finds the Book of Shadows, a book of witchcraft and recites an incantation that leaves the sisters three with powers they were destined to have."
For the Series Premiere, this episode opened with a bang! I find it a bit confusing in the beginning because we never find out who that witch was who was killed by Jeremy. Somehow she was connected to the sisters and her cat becomes important later, but I don't know how the cat knew to go to the Halliwell sisters next. Boy does Piper know how to pick her men! Jeez, a warlock! Wow, that's got to hurt. If I was Piper, I would have been furious to find out that the man I had been dating for almost a year told me he was a warlock and wanted to kill me. It's obvious that her feelings for him weren't that strong, because she was able to get over him quickly. Jeremy must have been really good at hiding who he really was and acting normal if Piper never suspected anything. This rift going on between Prue and Phoebe seems like they should just forget about it and start fresh, because they're still fighting about something that happened in the past. They both know that Roger is an idiot and Prue must have had a good reason to break up with him, so I don't know why she still believes him. I'm still trying to figure out why Roger would tell Prue that Phoebe had come to see him, if he wasn't trying to start problems with the sisters in the first place. Don't worry though, the Halliwells are sisters and they love each other so everything will work itself out. I think it's sweet that Prue feels the need to be overprotective with Piper and Phoebe, but I agree with Phoebe about that not being what she needs right now. Sisters are always the best of friends so they'll come around. The producers also give us viewers a hint about the sparks flying between Prue and Andy. Now that her high school sweetheart is back in town, life is about to get a whole lot more interesting! Andy and Prue are so adorable together, but you guys will just have to stay tuned to see how their story plays out. That chef who hired Piper is so annoying and starting to get on my nerves. I don't know why he made Piper go through so many steps before hiring her, but she prevailed in the end. For the Charmed Ones' first encounter with evil they sure kicked some butt. It's going to take them a little while to get used to their new powers, but they will soon learn to love and appreciate them. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!

Season 1 Synopsis

The discovery that they are descendants of a long line of witches finds three sisters battling demons and warlocks - and occasionally each other. When the beautiful Halliwell sisters inherit a house from their grandmother and discover a secret "Book of Shadows," they learn that they each have a unique power. The strong-willed Prue can move objects, reserved Piper is able to freeze time, and the uninhibited Phoebe sees the future. Individually, each is strong, but it is only by putting aside their differences and banding together as the "Power of Three" that they will be able to protect the innocent and vanquish evil.
A sneak peak of what's to come!

Peace, Love, and Charmed!

Hoping To Accomplish With This Blog

I'm a huge fan of the show Charmed and anyone who knows me says I'm obsessed. I love to talk about the show and get me on the subject I can talk for hours. Needless to say, I tend to annoy people eventually. I'm hoping to watch the show in its entirety and after each episode, I'm going to come on here and talk about it; my favorite and what I think the actors and producers could have improved on. In my opinion, in all of its eight years running Charmed didn't have any bad episodes, but some were better than others. Thus doing this, I hope to attract people who haven't seen the show to start watching it (TNT in the mornings and WE station in the evenings), and people who are long time veterans of the show to renew their love in it. You might be thinking that with all the 176 episodes how can I possibly narrow it down to a favorite one? For those of you who are thinking there is no way, then you're right. I couldn't narrow it down to a favorite episode, but I have narrowed it down to three favorite episodes. They are "Baby's First Demon" (Season 5 Episode 16), "Sense and Sensibility" (Season 5 Episode 20), and "The Seven Year Witch" (Season 7 Episode 16). My favorite sister out of the Charmed Ones is Piper, because I feel like I can relate the most to her. I love the different storylines that the writers brought her down, and although I didn't always agree with their choices, I stayed faithful through and through. If I could choose a power to have it would probably be either moving objects with my mind or levitation. I wouldn't necessarily want the burden of having to fight the demons and save the world on a daily basis, but getting a small taste of what it feels like to hold that power would be awesome. Whenever I can, I'm going to include extra videos and fan pictures that won't necessarily go with the most recent episode. In addition, each episode will have a couple screen shots posted with it to give you words with a visual. I don't take credit for any of the pictures and episode descriptions since I get all of them off the Charmed Facebook fanpage, and all the videos I post will be taken from people off of Youtube with their permission. "May the power of three set you free!" Keep reading and watching!
Peace, Love, and Charmed!